Telangana: Fever survey finds 5 lakh people with Covid symptoms

Hyderabad: Field level workers from multiple government departments have covered a remarkable 1 crore households, identified over 5 lakh individuals with Covid-like symptoms, and distributed isolation medicine kits in just two weeks of launching door to door fever surveys and special fever outpatient services at all government healthcare facilities in Telangana.

From the launch of the door-to-door survey on January 21, field level workers from health and other government departments have visited 1,21,36,778 families.

Distribution of medical kits to symptomatic patients

During the survey, the workers discovered a total of 5,25,853 persons with Covid symptoms, who were promptly treated, given special medical kits, and advised to remain in isolation.

Special fever outpatient services at government healthcare centers

In the fever outpatient services, which are being simultaneously held in government hospitals across Telangana, so far authorities have conducted 10 lakh consultations and have provided treatment to over 1,34,716 individuals who were identified with COVID-19 symptoms.

Frontline warriors during Telangana fever survey

The Telangana state health department field workers, primarily accredited social health activists (ASHAs) and auxiliary nursing midwives (ANMs), are leading the door-to-door fever surveys, as well as conducting regular follow-ups to track the health status of people with symptoms and determine whether they need to be admitted to a higher healthcare facility.

How fever survey helped combat and contain the Omicron spread?

The fever and door-to-door survey helped authorities to swiftly identify persons with symptoms, give them specific treatment kits, and isolate them in their homes without waiting for RT-PCR or rapid antigen tests to confirm COVID-19 presence.

According to top public health professionals, this approach also aids in the identification of a huge number of persons suffering from non-Covid fevers and other mild ailments, allowing for prompt treatment.

To ensure the success of the fever outpatient services and door-to-door fever surveys, health minister Harish Rao, municipal administration and urban development minister KT Rama Rao, and minister for panchayat raj Errabelli Dayakar Rao, last month held a coordination meeting to ensure that officials and field-level workers from all three departments were involved in the initiative.