Telangana enhances allowances, benefits for govt employees

Hyderabad: As part of Telangana’s decennial celebrations, the state government has enhanced allowances and benefits for government employees and pensioners.

As per the government orders released by the state’s finance departmnet on Wednesday, travelling and conveyance allowances along with transport allowance to the employees under transfer have been enhanced by 30 percent.

Drivers and lift operators will be paid Rs 150 for attending holiday turn duty.

While special compensatory allowance to the employees working in scheduled areas is enhanced by 30 percent, conveyance allowance for blind, hearing impaired, and physically handicapped employees was raised from Rs 2000 to Rs 3000.

Additionally, the housing building advance limit for government employees has been enhanced from Rs 20 lakhs to Rs 30 lakhs.

The car advance limit has been enhanced from the existing Rs 6 lakhs to Rs 9 lakhs while the motor cycle advance limit has been enhanced from Rs 80 thousand to Rs 1 lakh.

Marriage advance for females has been enhanced from Rs 1 lakhs to Rs 4 lakhs while for males, the enhancement went from Rs 75 thousand to Rs 3 lakhs.

The incentive to employees working in all state training Institutions has also been enhanced by 30 percent.

However, special pay to the cops working in Grey Hounds, Intelligence, Traffic, CID, OCTOPUS, and Anti Naxalite Squad will be continued on the Revised Pay Scales of 2020.

Also, the death relief in respect of pensioners was enhanced from the existing Rs 20000 to Rs 30,000.

In addition to the above, 15 percent special pay has been sanctioned to all the categories of employees working in the protocol department.