Hyderabad: Private schools in Telangana are facing insurmountable financial difficulties. During the past two years, more than 300 private schools were closed down in Hyderabad. These schools were unable to cope with the new situation arising due to the closure of the educational institutions in the wake of Coronavirus lockdown and the commencement of online classes.
The main grouse of the private schools’ management in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad is that the guardians do not pay the online fee.
In spite of the reduction in fee for online classes, the guardians are still failing to pay the fee due to which it has become difficult to run the schools.
More than 1300 schools closed down in Telangana out of which more than 300 schools were closed down during the last two years. Most of these schools were operating from the rented buildings and were unable to pay up the rent and were forced to closed their schools.
The teachers who were working in such schools suddenly found themselves unemployed and are forced to do odd jobs like opening tea selling outlets as they have no source of income to sustain their family life.
One private school teacher with 13 years of experience in teaching took up a job as food delivery boy at Zomato. This case reflects the predicament the private school teachers are found themselves in after the closure of private schools.