Telangana: Download SCT PC, SI exam hall tickets, here’s how

Hyderabad: Telangana state police recruitment board (TSPRB) on Wednesday announced that hall tickets for preliminary written tests for direct recruitment of sub-inspectors (SI), police constables, transport constables, and prohibition and excise constables can be downloaded from Thursday.

All candidates who have successfully uploaded their applications can download their hall ticket from 8 am on August 18 till 12 am on August 26 by logging into their respective accounts on the TSLPRB website and entering their credentials.

Candidates whose hall tickets could not be downloaded may send an e-mail to or contact the recruitment board on 9393711110 or 9391005006.

The Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) PC civil, transport constables, P&E constables, and/or equivalent exam will be conducted on August 28 (Sunday) from 10 am to 1 pm in 1601 test centres located in and around Hyderabad and other towns throughout Telangana

6,61,196 candidates will be appearing for the exam, said the recruitment board.