Khammam: In a rare, heartwarming case, a couple from Telangana’s Khammam named their son after Sonu Sood, showing their admiration towards the Bollywood actor for his charity work during the COVID-19 period.
Panduga Naveen Kumar and Triveni from Bonakallu mandal in Khammam district were impressed by the charity work done by the actor during the lockdown. To mark their respect, they named their child was born in the lockdown period after him. The couple also invited the actor to the ‘Annaprashana’ (a ceremony where the baby is fed solid food for the first time) through social media.
The couple hopes that their son will imitate the actor’s compassionate and humane nature when he grows up, local media reports say.
Bollywood actor Sonu Sood was helped thousands of migrant workers, students and the unemployed during the lockdown and was hailed to be a real hero. The actor has been called as the ‘messiah of the migrants’.
The generosity shown by Sonu Sood is being lauded across the country. The residents of Dubba Tanda in Siddipet district also built a temple in a mark of respect.