Hyderabad’s police commissioner has suspended four police personnel and transferred a sub-inspector of police for beating up four youth including an NRI living in Ireland, a statement said on Tuesday. V.Sampath, sub-inspector of Musheerabad Police Station has been transferred pending enquiry, said a police statement.
Hyderabad Police Commissioner Mahender Reddy on Sunday ordered a probe by an assistant commissioner of police after Mallapuram Vasu, one of the victims, complained through email, about the highhanded behaviour of police.
Vasu, who is an Irish resident, complained that he and three others were beaten with fibre batons by the policemen, who also demanded Rs.3 lakh bribe. Based on Vasu’s statement, a case was registered against the policemen at Musheerabad police station.
According to deputy commissioner of police, west zone, during the preliminary enquiry, the policemen were found involved in beating and highhanded behaviour tarnishing the image of police.
The police officer said the four people in a heavily drunken state were creating nuisance in the early hours of June 25 in Musheerabad area. They argued with police and resisted attempts to bring them to the police station.
“Enraged by their behaviour, the police personnel have beaten them up with fibre lathis and hands and caused severe bruise injuries to Mallapuram Vasu and simple injuries to others,” he said.
After conducting a breath analyser test, a case was registered against them. While one of them, identified as Preetam, was arrested and produced before the magistrate, others were let off.
The police commissioner warned that such conduct on the part of police personnel is unacceptable and they have been instructed to handle all such cases with due care and caution without being provoked, the statement said.