Hyderabad: Hinting at another extension of the lockdown, Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday said if people extend their support to the lockdown for some more days, the situation would further improve.
Expressing satisfaction that the spread of coronavirus is on decline in the state due to strict implementation of the lockdown, he said if people extend their support to the lockdown for some more days and follow the guidelines given by the government on containment of the virus spread, the situation would improve further.
KCR, as Rao is popularly known, said that when Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with the chief ministers through video conference on Monday, the situation in the country would become clear.
The lockdown in Telangana was already extended till May 7 while it will remain in force in the rest of the country till May 3.
The Chief Minister on Sunday held a high-level review meeting on the implementation of lockdown, measures taken to contain the spread of coronavirus and other issues.
KCR reviewed the situation in Hyderabad and other areas. He enquired about the assistance given in the containment centres and instructed that the essential commodities should be supplied to people in these areas.
He also enquired about the treatment being provided to Covid-19 patients in Gandhi Hospital. He observed that the death rate due to coronavirus in the state is far less compared to the national average, which is some consolation to the state.
“The CM said that if the present lockdown continues for some time and people continue to maintain their personal hygiene and take precautions, the virus spread will totally come down in the coming days,” he said.
Stating that the PM will hold a video conference with all the CMs tomorrow, he said they would explain about the situation in their respective states. He hoped that some clarity would emerge on future course of action.