Hyderabad (Telangana) [India]: Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Tuesday reviewed the works under Mission Bhagiratha and asserted that all the works under the programme should be completed on schedule with coordination among all the departments.
He also congratulated the officials concerned for working with zeal and commitment towards Mission Bhagiratha programme.
He also inquired about the construction of Intake Wells, Water Treatment Plants, pipelines, and Electric Sub Stations and emphasised on the need to have uninterrupted power supply for the programme.
“For Mission Bhagiratha power supply is very essential. Expedite the works on Sub-stations, power lines etc., Power should be supplied to Intake Wells, WTPs. Make all arrangements for the uninterrupted power to supply drinking water,” he said.
“There is no dearth of funds for the Mission Bhagiratha. Financial Institutions have already pledged about Rs 30,000 Crore. We have to speed up works at the ground level and that should be our aim as on date,” he added. (ANI)