A meeting of the action committee to protest against the irregular appointments in Urdu University met yesterday at Mahboob Jigar Hussain Hall, Siasat under the chairmanship of its president Maulana Syed Tariq Quadri,Advocate and General Secretary Soofi Academy.
The meeting was attened by its converer Mr.Nusrath Mohiuddin, General Secretary INSAF, Dr.Shaik Naser, Mr.Syed Zainulabedeen,Abdur Rahman Shafeq Sharfan,Mohiuddin Rasheed, Waseem Abdul Haq, M.A Nizami, Tajamul Azhar Mohammed Samiuddin and staff members of MAMUU in struggling against recruiting non-urdu teachers.
Isues like illegal stay in MANUU hostels, discriminating treatment for local hostel boarders,deprivation of local candidates and preference given to candidates of other states were also discussed in the meeting.
Representations made by Mr.Aziz Pasha in Parliment and Mr.G.Mallesh in A.P Assembly were discussed.
Mr.Nusrath Mohiuddin suggested that a telegram campaign should be launched.
Telegrams about irregularities of MANUU should be sent to Mr.Kapil Sibal Dr. Man Mohan Singh Ms.Pratibha Patil and Ms.Purardeshwari.
It was also decided in the meeting that representation should be made for the regularisation of services of adhoc employees of MANUU, appointment of a permanent Register, cancellation of the appointments of non urdu knowing teachers etc.
The Action Committee appeals to all the Urdu Lovers,Associations and Organisations to send telegrams starting from 1st Aril 2012 onwards and make it a success.