Telangana BIE to broadcast important questions via T-SAT network

Hyderabad: For the first time, the Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TS BIE) will broadcast critical questions via T-SAT network channels to students taking the Intermediate Public Examinations (IPE) in April 2022. The main questions for both the regular and vocational streams will be explained in depth.

“From this week until the start of the inter examinations, the board will broadcast important questions over the T-SAT network,” Telangana Today quoted an unnamed board as saying.

Last year, the board made free study materials for the Intermediate first-year examinations available. The material prepared by topic experts in Zoology, Botany, Mathematics, Physics, and History assisted students in answering the problems effortlessly.

Aside from important questions, the board has chosen to broadcast practical sessions on the T-SAT network every Sunday. As previously stated, students taking intermediate exams this year will have additional questions to pick from.

Inter theoretical exams will be held this year from April 20 to May 10, while practical exams for both general and vocational courses will be held from March 23 to April 8. The examinations for Ethics & Human Values and Environmental Education will take place on April 11 and 12, respectively.

So far, 8,83,055 students, including first and second-year students, have paid their examination fees at their various institutions, out of a total of 9,59,585. While the deadline for paying the test fee without a late cost was February 10, the deadline for paying the exam fee with a late fee of Rs.200 is February 16.

Students can also pay the examination fee late by paying a late charge of Rs 1,000 or Rs 2,000 from February 17 to 23 and February 24 to March 2, respectively.