Hyderabad, February 08 (Md. Mubashiruddin Khurram): “The injustice meted out to Muslims in Telangana and the discrimination they have been facing, is more than enough for their endurance and tolerance. As such Telangana people now want a separate Telangana.
Now the question here arises that what is the overall situation for separate Telangana? The answer is: Normally those Muslim women who prefer to remain indoor, made it a point to attend Telangana Garajna held at Nizam College grounds with placards in their hands demanding a separate Telangana. This is another proof that no might on this earth, could prevent Telangana’s formation. As per the statistics, Muslims have wakf properties worth Rs. 4 lac crores in and around three districts of Telangana and that is why its formation is inevitable.”
These were the words of various leaders who were in attendance at the programme at Nizam College. The mammoth programme was organized by Jamat-e-Islami with a to the point topic ‘Justice for Telangana, Telangana for Justice. During the address of the various leaders, the deafening slogans of Telangana zindabad, Give Telangana immediately or make way, Nahi chalega, nahi chalega, siyasi tamasha nahi chalega’ were raised with regular intervals.
Looking to the magnitude of the Muslims in attendance, many leaders said that now no one could say that Muslims are against separate Telangana.
The prominent among the attendees were TRS chief KCR, Maulana Abdul Aziz, Prof. Kodanda Ram, Venkat swamy, Madhu goud Yasheki, Dr. N Janardhan Reddy, Baladeer Gadar, M Arifuddin, T Devender goud, Poonam Prabhakar, Bashiruddin Babukhan, Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, G vinod and many others.
TRS chief said that he was now totally satisfied with his movement as the responsibility of proceeding this movement has now been partly taken over by Jamnat-e-Islami and for this I congratulate all Muslims.
He said that he knew that Muslims were subjected to various injustices in United Andhra Pradesh.
But the period of gloom would be soon over. Those who could not own our language and culture during the last 53 years, it is useless to expect something positive from them. Earlier KCR has started his speech by rendering a famous couplet:
Humko mitasake ye zamane mein dum nahi
Humse zamana khud hai, zamane se hum nahi
While thanking Jamat-e-Islami for its support, KCR informed that even today 3500 hunger strike camps are continued in Telangana.
He urged that the intelligence of the center and the state should present a true picture of the Muslims stand for the separate Telangana movement.
Baladeer Gadar said that the voice of separate Telangana has been getting thicker and thicker from the 10- districts of Telangana. He opined that had this mammoth programme been conducted a decade ago, we would have got Telangana by now.
Mr.Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, managing editor Siasat, in his address said that during the last 53 years, Andhra people have turned Telangana into a cemetery.
Muslims have ruled this country for 900 long years, but what happened to them during the last 60 years and on what ground level they are brought, is really regretting. Prof. Kodanda Ram, convener JAC, said that the separate Telangana movement is not political but is people’s movement for which we should not held any political party responsible.
He urged Muslims to be the part of this movement and assured that all political leaders would support them and are very much there behind their backs. Prof. Kanchi Eliah said that though Telangana movement is not a new phenomenon, but wonderfully, the size of mammoth gathering is one of its kind as in the past, no such huge gathering was reported from anywhere in the country.
It shows that enthusiasm of the people. Mr. Mahboob Alam Khan, secretary Anwarul uloom educational society, said that former state of Hyderabad was divided with a conspiracy and Telangana was merged into Andhra.
In 1956, despite resistance from various quarters, Telangana was merged with Andhra and that was the root cause of Telangana’s backwardness.
He further said that in the past, whenever, Telangana movement surfaced, some vested interests always try to show that Muslims were never the part of Telangana movement or present the wrong pictures of Muslims and in doing so, I must say that late YSR was instrumental and now his (YSR) task is being taken over by Vijayawada MP, L Rajgopal.
M/s Mahmood Ali, Osman bin Hajri, Md. Azharuddin, Alauddin Ansari, Maulana Hussein Shaheed, Mujahede Hashmi, Inayat Ali Baqri, Ali bin Sayeed al guttami, Salahuddin Lodhi, M M Baig, Nisar Ahmed and others were also present in the mammoth meeting.