Hyderabad: In the five states which are going to polls, it is being presumed that it will be a pre-final to Lok Sabha elections. Out of the five states, the election of Telangana State gains prime importance since the selection of the Telangana voters would tantamount to the selection of Central Govt.
Political analysts are giving importance to the election in Telangana as the State is going for polls before the expiry of the term of the Assembly. It is being presumed that there is a special relationship between the State and the Center. It is a very strange coincidence that for the past 35 years, there has been a relationship between the State and the Center.
If a review of the governments in the State and the Center is made, it will reveal interesting coincidences. The trend of the past 35 years shows that the voters of Telangana elected the party of same ideology both for the State and Center.
The following table reveals the trend of the voters.
Tenure | Party in the center | Party in the State |
2014-2018 | BJP | TRS |
2009-2014 | Congress | Congress |
2004-2009 | Congress | Congress |
1999-2004 | NDA | TDP |
1994-1999 | NDA | TDP |
1989-1994 | Congress | Congress |
1984-1989 | National Front | TDP |
In the present scenario, the strong opponents joined hands to defeat the party in power in the Center.
It may be mentioned that this time, Mr. Chandrababu Naidu came forward to join hands with his strong opponent, Congress in order to protect democracy, law and constitution.
It may be noted that the present TRS Govt. has friendly relations with the Central Govt. In such a situation, the support to TRS will be deemed the support to the ruling party in the Center.
[source_without_link]Siasat News[/source_without_link]