Hyderabad: The Telangana School Education Department on Saturday extended the due date for payment of fee and submission of online applications for Model Schools Admission Test – 2021 for admissions into Class VI and vacant seats in Classes VII to X from June 20 to June 30.
The deadline was extended for the fifth time due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation and lockdown ( Last date of submission of online application- April 30, May 8, May 20 & June 20). The entrance exam is scheduled to be conducted on June 5 For Classes VI to X and on June 6 (for Class VI) and the date of the admission test will be informed later.
Model Schools are established in 194 educationally backward mandals in Telangana state to cater to the needs of students by providing education in English medium from classes VI to X and intermediate.
Students will be admitted through the entrance exam and the selection will be done on the basis of marks scored by the students in the entrance exam. Students can fill the application form on the official website.