Telangana & AP quota for Hajj 2015 to be announced soon

Quota for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states for Hajj 2015 will be announced soon and the quota is likely to be similar to that of last year. Central Hajj Committee has decided to allot Hajj quota on the basis of 2001 census. Last year united Andhra Pradesh’s quota was 5580 while 6040 pilgrims went to Hajj after selection of Hajj aspirants of waiting list. Last year’s quota will be divided into both the states proportionate to their Muslim population. It is likely that Telangana will get 55 percent share while Andhra Pradesh will get 45 percent share.

Special Officer Hajj Committee Prof. S A Shukoor told that a total of 20782 applications have been received from both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh states of which 16947 are from Telangana while 3835 are from Andhra Pradesh. Drawing of lots will be held on March 18.

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