Hyderabad: Aam Aadmi Party Telangana State convener R Venkat Reddy and its spokesperson Prof. P.L. Vishweshwar Rao have expressed anguish at the way the Hyderabad police was handling the situation unfolding at Hyderabad Central University.
In a pressnote here on Thursday, they stated the city police was targeting the students and using brutal force on the youth in the name of law enforcement. “The media was not allowed to cover the incidents, which is also a violation of the citizen’s right to information. The 5,000-odd students living in 20 hostels were facing troubles like denial of food, water, access to ATM, electricity and Internet. This is a clear violation of their rights by police”, they deplored.
It is appalling to note that the State police was using brute force against the students at the behest of the University Vice Chancellor, who is already facing accusation for blindly following instructions from the Centre and accused of abetting Rohith Vemula’s suicide on the campus. “We request the police to stop using force against the students and release them immediately and allow them to take up their cause in a peaceful manner. (NSS)