BJP on Friday termed as “baseless” the charge of former Tehelka editor Tarun Tejpal that the main opposition and its government in Goa is targeting him and insisted it is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
“We deny the charges made by Tarun Tejpal. These are baseless allegations. Goa police is doing its job meticulously.
“An unscrupulous person who committed rape is levelling charges against us. We will not accept this lie after lie from him,” BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said.
BJP reiterated its stand that this is a test case for the amended rape law and that the law should take its course.
“This is a case of sexual harassment by a boss of his junior. This is a case of rape. The case is serious as a boss has done this to his junior,” Javadekar said.
BJP maintained that other issues related to the case which are coming to light will dealt with by the media and the law agencies and the party would not like to comment on them.
Tejpal left for Goa today and was given interim bail by a court there.