Toronto, September 29: Canada’s sensational love-cum-jealousy murder case where a teenager killed a girl at his jealous girlfriend’s behest has resulted in life behind bars for the boy.
Nineteen-year-old David Bagshaw had stabbed to death Stefanie Rengel, 14, on New Year’s day here last year. The case had shocked the nation as the boy was pressured to commit the murder by his girlfriend Melissa who felt Stefanie was her rival for his love.
The court heard how the jealous girlfriend forced the boy through e-mails and web chats for months to murder Stefanie. Giving into the pressure, Bagshaw lured the girl from her parents’ home Jan 1 last year and stabbed her six times, leaving her to die in the snow.
In his 17-page verdict Monday, Judge Ian Nordheimer said: ‘He lured a young girl out of the safety of her home and then proceeded to stab her multiple times.
‘Notwithstanding the number of times that these events have been replayed, both in court and elsewhere, they lose none of their truly evil nature when they are once again recounted.’
Since the boy was just four days shy of his 18th birthday when he committed the crime, he will eligible for parole after 10 years in jail under the Canadian Youth Criminal Justice Act.
The boy apologised to the family of the victim two weeks ago, saying, ‘Nothing I can say or do can right this wrong.
‘I want to ask for forgiveness, but realise that I can’t even forgive myself. I hate myself and the decision I made that night.’
His girlfriend, 17-year-old Melissa, was found guilty of first-degree murder in March.
She was jailed for life this summer. Under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, she will be eligible for parole within seven years as she was 15 when the crime was committed.