TDP senior leader and former Mayor of Hyderabad Teegala Krishna Reddy has demanded the arrest of labour minister Danam Nagender for locking the Lakshmi Narasimha temple in Banjara Hills, which has a history of 70 years.
Speaking to the media here on Friday, he said that it was when Danam was a minister that the government has issued GO 359 allocating five acres of land to the ISKCON organization, and alleged that Danam was now playing a drama for a road to his land adjoining the temple land in the guise of fighting for the rights of poor people. He has questioned if Danam was not responsible for shifting the poor in Bhimrao Vada for Gandhi Bhavan and also the poor in the Sri Ram Nagar.
He said if Danam had sincerity, he should have the GO 359 cancelled and the land distributed to the poor. Krishna Reddy has demanded an enquiry into all incidents of land grabbing after Danam has become minister. He has questioned why he was not so far arrested though police had registered a case.
City TDP vice president BN Reddy has said that it was during Danam Nagender’s period that ISKCON temple was allotted the land. He said the minister should be immediately dismissed from the cabinet as he had abused the devotees as well as police officials. Reddy has said that Danam had hurt the sentiments of the Hindu devotees in the guise of defending the rights of the poor.