TDP joins JAC; Cong leaders from Telangana to meet on Dec 29

Hyderabad, December 27: The Joint Action Committee formed to spearhead the demand for separate Telangana received a boost on Sunday with the main opposition Telugu Desam agreeing to join the panel, even as Congress leaders from Telangana have decided to meet on December 29 to discuss their participation in the JAC.

Convener of JAC Prof K Kodandaram, who held talks with TDP leaders from Telangana region, told reporters that the main opposition party has agreed to join the Committee.

Several TDP MLAs from Telangana also attended a scheduled meeting of the JAC that so far comprised TRS, Congress, BJP and a large number of outfits fighting for the separate statehood.

Replying to a query, Kodandaram said the TDP agreed to join the Committee only on the condition that the partner parties should not indulge in criticism against each other.

However, there appeared to be an attempt to gain dominance in the JAC, with Congress leaders from the region deciding to have a meeting of all the leaders on December 29 to discuss its participation in the Committee.

“We have to discuss the size of the JAC. Ours is a national party. We have 13 ministers, 12 MPs, 70 MLAs and MLCs. We are meeting on December 29 to discuss how to participate in the JAC,” senior Congress MLA R Damodar Reddy told reporters earlier in the day.

He expressed confidence that realisation of the separate statehood goal would be possible only with Congress.
