MP Jithender Reddy of TRS today condemned the comments made by Telugu Desam MP, K Rammohan Naidu from Srikakulam and son of late K Yerran Naidu at Parliament session that Andhra Pradesh state was bifurcated violating constitution. A two day parliament session is being conducted to mark the occasion of draft of Constitution by Ambedkar. On the occasion, the TD MP alleged that the bifurcation was done unilaterally. Reacting swiftly on the remarks, Reddy stated that there is no need of blaming anyone now on the bifurcation issue. The NDA Government led by the BJP should implement the Reorganisation act to ensure justice done to both the states. Jithender Reddy made these comments when, Rammohan Naidu raised the issue saying that then UPA Government did not inform the TD of the division properly. Now it is for the Centre to see that the division of the High Court and officials should be done without any delay, the TRS MP said . (NSS)