Telugu Desam leaders, including MPs from Andhra Pradesh Konakalla Narayana and Kesineni Srinivas (Nani), MLA Malyadri today complained to Election Commission to take action against YSRCP Chief Jagan Mohan Reddy for making provocative comments during his campaign in Nandyal byelection speech against Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu.
They submitted a memorandum to Additional Chief Electoral Officer Anoop Singh at the Secretariat here and urged him to act swiftly against Jaganmohan Reddy for his atrocious remarks against the Chief Minister. They alleged that Jagan was violating Election Commission code by freely distributing money to woo voters, misusing his newspaper and Sakshi TV. Besides, Jagan’s media was indulging in carrying out misinformation campaign against Chandrababu Naidu and doing publicity in favour of YSRCP, they said. They also alleged that YSRCP candidate, who is contesting Nandyal Bye-election was freely distributing money.YSRCP Chief
The Additional Chief Electoral Officer said he will send the complaint to the Chief Election Commission and action would be initiated. (NSS)