Mumbai: Actor Tanushree Dutta’s legal representatives, led by advocate Nitin Satpute, on Sunday sought time to file a protest petition on the ‘B Summary’ report filed by Mumbai Police in the 10-year-old harassment case against actor Nana Patekar.
The Railway Mobile Court, Andheri, permitted Dutta’s counsel to file the petition and adjourned the matter to September 7.
Dutta had slammed Mumbai Police for dismissing the sexual allegation charges levelled by her against Patekar as “false” and “malicious”. She had also claimed that the veteran actor had bribed the police into filing such a report.
In September 2018, Dutta had accused Patekar of misbehaving with her on the sets of ‘Horn OK Please’ during the shooting of a dance sequence, from which she eventually walked out. She went on to file an FIR against Patekar who refuted all allegations.
In May, Mumbai Police had filed a ‘B Summary’ closure report, giving a clean chit to Patekar in connection with the case, which allegedly took place on a film set, stating that Dutta filed a “false complaint with malicious intent”.
A ‘B Summary’ report is filed when the police is unable to find evidence in support of the complaint filed and hence decides to discontinue the investigation.