Chennai : Stating that the development of Tamil Nadu has been a priority under Prime Minister Narendra Modi government, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Chief Amit Shah said it allotted projects worth over Rs. 5 lakh crore to the state in the last four years.
He further compared the 13th Finance Commission to the 14th Finance Commission, saying, “Under the 13th Finance Commission, Tamil Nadu got Rs. 94,540 crore which was increased to Rs. 1,99,096 crore under the Modi Government.”
Invoking the pride of the state residents, Amit Shah insisted that no other party was as committed to preserving Tamil Nadu as the BJP.
Highlighting the various projects that the BJP has invested money in, Shah said, “Not only this, for the schemes of the Centre, Rs. 1,35,000 crore was given by BJP separately.”
“It is because of BJP that Tamil Nadu has got the maximum number of railway lines since independence. For 3,200 km railway line, the BJP has paid Rs. 20, 000 crore,” he added.
The BJP Chief further showed confidence that his party will get the maximum number of seats in Tamil Nadu in the Lok Sabha elections next year. (ANI)