Chennai: The Revenue Department officials rescued 155 migrant bonded labourers from a brick Kiln in Avadi all migrants from Chattisgarh and Odhisa trapped to work in inhuman conditions.
The Revenue officials along with members of the International Justice Mission (IJU) raided the RNI brick kiln located in Pandeswaran and rescued 31 children, 63 women and 61 men.
The bonded labourers brought to the Kiln by the middlemen, allege they were forced to work for as little as 20o Rs a week, said Tiruvallur Revenue Divisional Officer GR Divyashree.
One of the rescued labourer said “I am given Rs 20 for carrying 1,000 bricks. If I fall sick, I am not paid. I realized I made a mistake (coming here) as I could have earned this in my hometown as well.”
The labourers also alleged the supervisors of the brick kin assaulted then while the owner of the Kiln is absconding.
The officials have filed a complaint with Muttam Pudhupettai police station in Avadi and the arrangements to send the labourers back to their hometown through Dhanbad Express are being made. Meanwhile, the rescued labourers are shifted to a neighbouring marriage hall, News Minute reported.