Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalitha announced that all households in the state will be provided Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) making use of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) license obtained by the Tamil Nadu Arasu Cable TV Corporation. Its objective is to provide quality internet service to all households in the state.
The Chief Minister said all the village panchayats in Tamil Nadu will be connected with Bharatnet scheme, the state government will utilise the ISP license and provide quality internet service to all households. High-speed broadband services and other Internet services will be provided.
Ms.Jayalalithaa also announced in the state legislature that Tamil Nadu Fibernet Corporation to implement the Union Government’s Bharatnet scheme.The corporation will be established at an estimated cost of 3000 crore rupees and will oversee the linkage of 12524 villages in the state through optical fibre network.
She also announced the distribution of specially designed wheel chairs for the victims of spinal cord diseases and injuries and each wheel chair will cost Rs 20,000 which cost 1.95 crore rupees to the government. And 911wheel chairs will be given to differently- abled persons.