Chennai: Witnessing the surge in the COVID-19 cases in the state, the Tamil Nadu government on Sunday imposed a night curfew between 10 pm to 4 am which will come into effect from April 20. Sunday curfew will be implemented from April 25.
According to a statement issued by the state government, no public or private transport will be allowed during night curfew. Intra-state and inter-state public and private transport too will not be operated.
The state government has also postponed the class 12 board exams amid a surge in COVID-19 cases, however, the practical exams will be conducted as already planned.
“Not over 100 people will be allowed in weddings and for funerals, the number stands at 50. Only 50 per cent employees allowed to work in IT firm offices. Others should be given work from home,” the statement said.
According to official data, Tamil Nadu has reported 10,723 new COVID-19 positive cases and 42 deaths in the last 24 hours.
The cumulative cases in the state climbed to 9,91,451 while 13,113 people have succumbed to the disease so far. There are 70,391 active COVID-19 cases in the state.