Hyderabad: In the wake of the on going flood situation in state, Janab Syed Jaleel Ahmed, President All India Majlis Tameer-e-Millat, appealed various Ngos working on the ground to coordinate and collaborate with each other in order to reach out better to those affected most.
He said that the government and Ngos can learn a lot from the urban flooding in Chennai in 2015. The Chennai Urban flooding can be a guidebook to carry out relief and rehabilitation efforts as it was probably the largest evacuation by National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) he said.
He urged the community to contribute generously not only for the instant relief in the form of food, drinking water, medicines, clothing, blankets etc but also in the re-establishment of those affected most by the floods.
He urged corporate houses to contribute towards this cause and dedicate a significant portion of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds in order to rehabilitate and re-establish the affected population. He informed us that about 100 branches of Tameer-e-Millat were on the ground carrying out relief work by providing essentials to the affected population in the form of cooked food, drinking water, milk, biscuits and soon the organisation will be reaching out to small business owners and daily wagers in order to reestablish them in their homes and shops and to help them rebuild their life after this catastrophe.