Actor Ranbir Kapoor on Friday said that he is currently looking into how he can take care of the situation with two of his films, “Dragon” and Sanjay Dutt biopic, for which shooting will begin at the same time, adding that the talks are on to resolve it.
According to reports, Rajkumar Hirani’s biopic on actor Sanjay Dutt and Ayan Mukerji’s “Dragon” also starring Alia Bhatt will commence shooting at the same time in early 2017, something Ranbir will find difficult to manage simultaneously.
At the launch of H&M’s store, Ranbir was asked about “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” and “Dragon” clashing, he first corrected the journalist, “‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ and ‘Dragon’? The question itself is wrong. At least ask the right question.”
After the journalist corrected the question, Ranbir said, “How is it a clash? I am in both films; it’s not that I have a double role. But currently, I am looking into how I can take care of it. So talks are on.”
It was reported that Mukerji’s superhero flick was delayed due to changes in the script, while Hirani had earlier planned to start the film in June after Sanjay came out of jail in February, and had even asked Ranbir to prepare for the role. But reportedly both films are set to start in January, 2017.
About his upcoming films, he said, “I have ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ coming out on Diwali and ‘Jagga Jasoos’ on April 7, I’m extremely excited and I hope you guys like it.”
Ranbir was last seen opposite Deepika Padukone in Imtiaz Ali’s “Tamasha”.