Kolkata: Virtually defending those who were seen purportedly taking money in the Narada News sting footage, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday said while people shown taking Rs.1 lakh, Rs.2 lakh or Rs.50 were being damned, the ones who looted thousands of crores were going scot free.
Banerjee alleged that the Trinamool Congress was being targeted as it had capability, transparency and accountability.
“They have done a sting operation, before the election, this is unethical. If somebody has given money to someone for doing some work, the person who has given the money has also committed a wrong.
“But whether it is true or not, only a probe can find out,” Banerjee said at an election rally at Durgapur of Burdwan district.
A sting operation by portal Narada News in West Bengal allegedly showed several Trinamool leaders, including state ministers, members of parliament and former union ministers, accepting money in return for lobbying for a fictitious firm.
Banerjee said the Election Commission allowed a candidate to spend up to Rs.28 lakh in an assembly election, while the rules permit a Lok Sabha contestant to spent up to Rs.50 lakh. But it has to be accounted for.
“The expenses borne by the party is not included in this.”
She alleged that the BJP spent thousands of crores of rupees during the Lok Sabha polls two years back.
“They have shown the accounts, What jugglery is this!”
“You tell me, when people are shown in video footage taking Rs.1 lakh, Rs.2 lakh, Rs.50, that is wrong. And what about those who have looted thousands of crores and are now indulging in blackmail?
“We are the poorest party in India. You must understand why they are after us. We are the only party that has capability, transparency, accountability and Mamata Banerjee, who works tirelessly day and night for the people. I am saying this with a heavy heart,” she said.