YSR Congress Party chief and opposition leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy today directed his party legislators to take on the ruling Telugu Desam party for failing to achieve special status to the state. Chairing a meeting at party headquarters Lotus Pond here on Sunday, Jagan Reddy is learnt to have asked his party legislators to put in fix the Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, Speaker K Sivprasada Rao and other ministers on the failure of getting special status. Though 14 months have been passed the state government is not firm to get the status while the Centre is buying time saying special package he reportedly deplored.
We can make this failure an opportunity to take on the chief minister and the government, Jagan Reddy reportedly asked them. Land acquisition policy, failure to construct capital city and other key issues should be taken in the Monsoon session to be held from Aug 31 to Sept 4, the YCP leaders told. Though Congress, left parties are joing the hands of the YSRCP for special tag, the government is remained a mute spectator, Jagan Reddy said to have deplored. (NSS)