Take Care of Those Embracing Islam

Jeddah, July 13: The issue of those expatriates in Saudi Arabia who convert to Islam and then revert to their earlier religion because of not receiving enough care has drawn the attention of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY).

According to Saleh Al Wohaibi, secretary-general of WAMY, many of the more than 200 cooperative dawa centres across the Kingdom had failed to take care of converts. “This has resulted in many of them returning back to their old ways,” he said.

“The role of dawa centres should not end with the announcement of expatriates embracing Islam, they should also conduct intensive courses to educate the converts more about the religion,” Al Wohaibi said in Riyadh.

Speaking at a ceremony organised by the Cooperative Dawa and Guidance Centre in Badeea to mark the graduation of 1,212 students who attended an intensive Islamic educational programme named ‘Aslamtu Faallimnee’ (I have embraced Islam, now teach me), he emphasised the need for greater and organised efforts to take care of expatriates who embrace Islam in the Kingdom.
