New Delhi: Politicians are dragging the marital life of Kamal Amrohi and Meena Kumari in the triple Talaq issue which has aggrieved the family of the late filmmaker. When the Supreme Court declared triple Talaq illegal, one of the pieces of fake news that circulated was about filmmaker Kamal Amrohi divorcing his wife, the acclaimed actor Meena Kumari, by saying “Talaq” thrice. Then, in order to remarry her as per a religious practice called halala, Meena Kumari is said to have wed Zeenat Aman’s father, Aman Ullah Khan, consummated the union, gotten divorced and remarried Amrohi. The rumour spread on social media like a wildfire and BJP spokesmen fully utilized the issue against the community.
Recently in a TV debate BJP spokesman accused late Kamal Amrohi of giving triple Talaq to Meena Kumari which filled her life with tragedy. A Muslim MP was also present on the occasion.
Family of Kamal Amrohi is in shock over character assassination of Kamal Amrohi. His son Tajdar Amrohi declared it as false and sent notice to the TV Channel and BJP spokesman. He said it is wrong that my father had given Talaq. It would have hurt the soul of my father. Meena Kumari left us 45 years ago while our father has also died long ago. They both live in our heart even today. Some miscreants have claimed that our late father had given triple Talaq to my choti maa (Meena Kumari). Believe me, it hurt me badly said Tajdar. How can one do character assassination of gentlemen to gain political mileage? My sister was also badly hurt who was very close to Meena Kumari.
Tajdar said my father never gave Talaq to his second wife, he was a gentleman, and my mother (first wife of Kamal Amrohi) not only respected Meena Kumari but had asked all the children to respect her as a mother’. It was very hurting for me that my father and mother was being defamed.
Tajdar Amrohi said media is a platform to spread falsehood, how can an assumption be propagated as reality. He also slammed Owaisi saying as a Muslim MP he should have responded against the assumption and had he not knew, he should have told to investigate the matter.