Union Minister S Jaipal Reddy today flayed Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy and Seemandhra leaders for passing the resolution to reject the Telangana Draft Bill in Assembly and Council. Addressing a press conference the Union Minister maintained that “as far as my knowledge is concerned” T state will be formed in February third week itself.
The Assembly has completed its process. Article 3 is ultimate and bequeathed with total powers to divide the state and the Act so formulated is binding, he said. Supreme Court has approved states reorganization and it was already proved in Mullaperiyar and Babulal Parata cases, he recalled. He said that while President Pranab Mukherjee sought only views of the Assembly wherein Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy made a mistake by moving a resolution to reject the T bill. However, that will not defer bifurcation process, as the Center will soon pass the bill in Parliament, he said.
Any efforts to scuttle the process will not defer the Center from carving out Telangana state. The Seemandhra leaders should refrain from misleading the people and at least now understand that the formation of T is unavoidable. Appealing the leaders to understand the powers conferred with State, Center and Concurrent list, he said adding that giving state powers to Governor is not correct. Jaipal Reddy also said that resolution against the bill will not have any say on the Center which has taken decision to divide the state only after holding prolonged consultations and taking into consideration the opinions of national parties like BJP, BSP and all others from the state. (NSS)