T-Cong MPs questions KCR’s role in Telangana formation

Nizamabad MP Madhu Yashki Goud on Monday accused TRS President K Chandrasekhar Rao of exploiting the sentiments of people of Telangana.

Speaking to media persons here, Madhu Yashki asked KCR to explain the joining of some leaders in the TRS who opposed the Telangana formation. “Will all those leaders be cleared of all charges if they join the TRS?” he asked and alleged that KCR was encouraging anti-Telangana leaders for minor political gains.

Madhu Yashki said that the Telangana State was the result of sacrifices made by the students and youth. He said by granting statehood for Telangana region, Sonia Gandhi fulfilled the people’s wish and not KCR’s wish.

Karimangar MP Ponnam Prabhakar claimed that KCR did not play a major role in the formation of Telangana. He said while Congress MPs from Telangana played an active role, KCR acted like a mute spectator on the floor of the House.

They said only Congress can bring development in the Telangana State. (INN)