Hailing Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao for his decision to withdraw the much-hated Cheap Liquor Policy and to deal with brewing, smuggling and sale of arrack (gudumba) with an iron hand, the Telangana Auto Drivers’ JAC has announced its decision to confer “Best CM Title to KCR”.
In a statement here on Thursday, JAC convenor Mohd Amanullah Khan stated he was a great admirer of KCR right from formation of the TRS and wants KCR to do good things and shun bad ideas. He also hoped that KCR would ultimately enforce total prohibition in Telangana State on one day. He also stated that if KCR enforced total prohibition in the State, the JAC would give “Telangana Gandhi” title to KCR.
He recalled that the JAC had given “Telangana Super Fast Express” title to KCR in the year 2010 and also weighed him in coins in recognition to his efforts while leading Telangana movement. Later, they had given KCR “Telangana Porata Ratna” in 2013 just before Assembly elections. (NSS)