Chikkadpally police arrested twenty-five year old Syrian national on Tuesday morning for allegedly attacking a TV anchor and her husband on the road near Ashok Nagar cross roads under Chikkadpally police limits. The incident occurred at the traffic signal when the victims refused to give way to the accused.
According to police, the accused Saad Abdullah Man’am, a Bachelor in Computer Applications student of University College of Science in Saifabad entered into an argument with TV anchor Shiva Jyothi of a vernacular TV Channel and her husband Muthyam at the signal over a free left.
Chikkadpally inspector NLN Raju said that Saad asked Shivajyothi who was pillion riding to leave way for him to take a free left, for which she responded saying there was not space to move aside. “Angered Saad picked up an argument with Shivajyothi and attacked her. He also attacked her husband who tried to stop him.” said the inspector.
Based on a complaint lodged by the couple, he was arrested and sent to judicial remand.
Siasat news