Berlin: Syrians are forced to leave their homeland because of Civil War. Situation became worse with the rise of ISIS and other terrorist groups. Unable to bear the expenses to run away from war torn country, Syrian females are forced to offer sex. One Syrian woman who wanted to escape from Syria was forced to pay down her debt to smugglers by making herself available for sex along the way.
In another horrible incident, a Syrian woman lost her conscious when she was beaten by a Hungarian prison guard after she refused his advances.
War and violence at home, exploitative smugglers and risky seas along the way, an uncertain welcome and future on a foreign continent are the risks faced by lakhs of migrants from Syria.
Female refugees from Syria are facing physical and sexual violence from smugglers, European police officers etc. One of the Syrian female refugees, 30-year-old Syrian woman was raped by smuggler when her husband offered her when he ran out of money to pay. Smuggler raped her for three months.
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Susanne Hohne, psychotherapist at a centre in West Berlin specializing in treating traumatized female migrants says that almost all have experienced sexual violence.
Atrocities against Syrian refugees are not limited to this, even UN officials are demanding oral sex from hungry refugee children in exchange of food.