Syria submits ‘more specific list’ of chemical weapons

Syria has submitted a ‘more specific’ list of its chemical weapons stockpile to the global regulator overseeing their destruction.

The move comes after inspectors on the ground reported discrepancies in the number, officials said.

The officials said the original list had been based on estimates, not exact amounts of toxic agents found in storage and production facilities across Syria.

Another diplomat said the joint UN/OPCW mission in Syria found ‘discrepancies between what they found, and what was on the original declaration’.

According to news24, a diplomat said questions had been raised by member states at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) about the details of Syrian chemical arsenal submitted by President Bashar al-Assad ‘s government last year.

OPCW spokesperson Michael Luhan confirmed a revised list had been submitted.

Syria initially reported to the OPCW having roughly 1 300 metric tons of toxic chemicals, including precursors for poison gas and nerve agents. Luhan said no new chemicals were added in the revised list, the report added. (ANI)