Sydney: A British Doctor reportedly defended himself from a fatal shark attack by punching the shark in its face after it suddenly attacked him in the water in Australia.
According to the Australian Shark Attack File, there have been 18 shark attacks including one fatal attack reported in Australia this year.
The British Doctor Charlie Fry, 25, was at the Avoca Beach, Sydney’s north on Monday when the shark “jumped out of the water and hit him in the right shoulder”.
Dr. Fry speaking to the media said, “I saw this shark come out of the water and breach its head and I punched it in the face with my left hand.”
“When it happened, I was like, ‘just do what Mick did, just punch it in the nose,” he said.
He added, “If you are watching or listening, Mick, I owe you a beer, thank you very much.”
“I got this massive thud on my right-hand side, which completely blindsided me. I thought it was a friend goofing around. I turned and I saw this shark come out of the water and breach its head. I punched it in the face with my left hand … and managed to scramble back on my board, shout at my friends. Luckily a wave came, so I just surfed the wave in,” he said.
“I was just surfing, (saying) get in as fast as possible, ride the wave as fast as possible, ride the wave as long as you can and start paddling for your life essentially. It was very, very hectic. Very, very hectic.”
Dr Fry was later taken to Gosford Hospital for administration.
Avoca Beach and North Avoca will remain closed for Tuesday following the attack yesterday.
Australian surfing legend Fanning was attacked by a great white while competing at Jeffreys Bay in South Africa in 2015 and walked away physically unscathed after fighting it off.
Back in 2015, Surfer Mick Fanning also had his experience surviving the shark attack during his competition at Jeffreys Bay in South Africa.
The shark that attacked Fry was about 6.5 ft long and had left scratches and a small puncture wound on Fry’s arm.
A helicopter rescue service photographed the shark said it was most
Syndey: Doctor punches shark to escape attack