Swine flu, dengue, fever cases increasing in Telangana: Dr Junaidi

Hyderabad: The cases of fever, cough and cold are increasing across Telangana state and doctors are advising people not to take these symptoms lightly and get proper treatment.

According to Dr Khizar Hussain Junaidi, the number of swine flu cases in Telangana and particularly in the city of Hyderabad is increasing. The symptoms of swine flu are the closure of nose, cough, body pain, loss of smell and taste.

Those suffering from Swine Flu can also pass on the disease to others who come in contact with them.  Such people need to quarantine themselves as much as possible as a precaution.

Apart from swine flu, the number of dengue and coronavirus cases is also increasing across the city, Dr Junaidi said.

“It is necessary to maintain hygiene to avoid swine flu. Frequent hand washing and keeping the environment clean are the best prevention from the disease.  Even after all these precautions, if somebody is suffering from the disease then they must immediately take the treatment”, Dr Junaidi said.

Explaining the Swine Flu vaccination “Influenza” Dr Junaidi said that all those who wish to avoid swine flu may take this vaccination.  

Dr. Junaid exhorts people not to take the symptoms of body pain and weakness lightly rather they must consult the doctor.