Swamy throws a porn-bomb at Chidambaram

With the porn gate saga in Karnataka causing considerable damage to the image of the BJP as a whole, the Opposition is making no stone unturned to fuel the already raging fire. With the BJP high command doing all it can to douse the porn flame before it becomes uncontrollable, Janata party President Subramanian Swamy has joined the bandwagon and has tweeted his thoughts on the sleazy saga.

In the morning of Feb 9 at 8:58am, Swamy tweeted from his twitter account – Swamy39: “Those Congis like Sibal who paint BJP with porn should ask how much PC pays per month for Uzbekis.”

In what can be seen as a direct attack on Home Minister P Chidambaram, who is widely referred to as PC by the media and those within political circles, the targeting by Swamy against the Home Minister has now hit a new low.

This is the first time that a political personality has made a sleazy remark on Chidambaram and of such a grave nature. In spite of many corruption and scam taints on Chidambaram, never has anyone made a tacky attack on Chidambaram.

Minutes after the tweet appeared on twitter, people started re-tweeting Swamy’s scandalous tweet. Whether the tweet was sent in a fit of frustration or if he has any evidence to level such damaging allegation remains to be seen.
