Hyderabad: Telangana Legislative Council Chairman, K Swami Goud is to start a digital exhibition on Mahatma Gandhi at Gandhi Darshan in Exhibition Grounds, Nampally, Hyderabad on Jan 25, according to a press release. The expo will be for six-day from January 25-30, 2019 being organised by the Regional Outreach Bureau under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. The expo will have several rare photographs of important events in Gandhijis life, including photos of Gandhiji, during Salt Satyagraha, his life in Yerawada Jail, on his way back from South Africa etc.,
Another feature of this exhibition is the Mahatma’s life in digital form. Also to be at the expo are biography map of places with which Gandhiji was associated and a puzzle wherein joining the dots would turn into a portrait and several other attractive features will figure in the exhibition. Song and Drama Division of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will conduct cultural programs from 5 pm to 8pm.