Hyderabad, March 31 (Siasat News): In the wake of communal riots broke out in old city, the intelligence should have shown the extra alertness to find out the elements that are behind the violence and the mottos related to it. This is where if intelligence fails, the situation becomes out of control.
It was Siasat Daily that every now and then, drew attention of the authorities towards various factors related to city’s communal harmony and more. Here, one more such incident is brought to the notice of the authorities.
It so happened that the reporters of the newspaper, after having tea, returning to the office. However, on their way, they noticed a gang of the suspected persons on bikes. The reporters were astonished to see that the suspected persons were exchanging money.
A motorcyclist bearing No. 6554 was disbursing the hundred-rupee notes bundle among the other persons. In this way, he handed over almost Rs. 1,00,000 to a young suspected person bearing vehicle No. AP 8001 11AB whereas the persons with Activa vehicle was handed over Rs. 1.60 lacs which he kept below the seat of the vehicle.
After remaining there (Abids) for some more time, they dispersed. Here the question is: Who were those youths? Why the big amount was given to them and for what purpose? For whom the distributor of the money lends his services? The most important question is: What kind of assignment are they given against the payment?
All these questions would be answered only when a probe is being undertaken. It is seen that the affluent lobby try to distract the unemployed and economically backward youths and woo them in the form of big money to get their vested interest met.
Due to the curfew in old city and Hanuman Jyanthi rally in new city turned the atmosphere of the new city also tensed. People were frightened and did not take any chance to open their shops and even going to their offices. In these circumstances, it looks very odd to see a person on the road with big money.
It is only those who have some ill intentions, can do such transaction on the road and that too in a tensed atmosphere. Even Hawala and Hundi transactions take place in a very hush hush manner without taking any risk.
They take more precautions than an ordinary man. The question still remains unanswered that who were those youths and why were they disbursing the money? This incident should not be taken lightly and suitably probed.