Gudivada MLA Kodali Venkateswara Rao alias Nani, who was suspended from the opposition Telugu Desam Party (TDP) recently, was today convicted to one year imprisonment and fined Rs 2,000 on the charges that he had obstructed officials from discharging their duties during a protest demonstration.. Judicial First Class magistrate of Kailaluru sentenced the MLA and seven others on the charge that they held a demonstration with farmers in front of the Tahasildar office in Mudinepalli town in 2005, demanding compensation. The magistrate said that the MLA had obstructed officials from discharging their duties.
The Magistrate also awarded him two months simple imprisonment, if he failed to pay the fine. The court convicted the MLA and others under section IPC 353/426. However, the court had given him one month time to appeal to a higher court on the judgment. UNI