New Delhi: When the accused of mob violence in Jharkhand got bail the union minister welcomed them. The All India Muslim Majlis Mushaverat strongly condemned this and urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to immediately suspend the minister. They said that the minister violated the oath he had taken while becoming the minister. President All India Muslim Majlis Mushaverat Naveed Hamed tweeted this demanding prime minister to suspend the minister.
It must be noted that union minister Jayant Sinha welcomed and felicitated eight men convicted in the Ramgarh lynching case in Jharkhand after they were released on bail on Thursday, 5 July.
President Mushaverat Mr Hamed said 90pc more mob attacks occurred during 2014 to 2018 compared to 2012-2014 and 90 pc of the mob violence victims are Muslims.
He said it’s strange that when anyone is killed in the name of child abduction, he is given compensation of Rs. 2 lakh whereas if anyone is killed in the name of cow-slaughter he is given nothing; rather the attackers are patted.