New Delhi:External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on Wednesday spoke to the mother of Raghavendran Ganesh, an Indian national who has been missing since Tuesday’s terror attacks in Belgium’s capital Brussels.
“I have spoken to Raghavendran’s mother Mrs Annapoorni,” Sushma Swaraj tweeted.
“I assured her that we will spare no effort to locate her son in Brussels,” she said.
Ganesh, who has been missing since the attacks that killed 34 people, hails from Bengaluru and is an employee of Infosys, the external affairs ministry confirmed on Wednesday.
Sushma Swaraj also said that Ganesh spoke to his mother an hour before the blasts on Tuesday morning.
“Please help us locate Raghavendran,” she said in another tweet.
She also posted a picture of the missing man so that Indians in Brussels can help in the search.
Earlier in the day, the minister said that the government was doing its best to locate Raghavendran.
She also said that two other Indians, both employees of Jet Airways, who were injured were “recovering well”.
At least 34 people were killed on Tuesday as two deadly explosions rocked the Zaventem airport and a more powerful blast ripped through a train coach at a Metro station in the heart of Brussels in the worst terror attack in Europe in four months.