New Delhi: Journalist Supriya Shrinate, who was chosen by the Congress party to contest the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from Maharajganj in Uttar Pradesh, said that she is “honored” to contest the polls while noting that the skills she acquired as a journalist would help her address public grievances in a better manner.
Supriya, in a telephonic conversation with ANI, revealed that she would like to fulfill the wishes of her late father, who was a former Member of Parliament (MP) from Maharajganj.
“I am truly honored for the opportunity presented to me by Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi. My father was an ex-MP from Maharajganj, so I have an emotional connection with this region. There were many things that he brought for the first time and a couple of things that he was unable to do. With this new responsibility, I would like to fulfill my father’s wishes for the people, particularly for sugarcane farmers in the region,” she said.
Supriya, the former executive editor with ET Now TV channel, said that she is privy to solutions that were put forth by the public during her interaction with them as a journalist, adding that these can be put to motion through her new role as a politician.
“There are many things I can achieve using my contacts as a journalist. Although I was a business journalist, I am privy to some of the solutions that were suggested to me, and I am also aware of the public’s woes. Therefore, politics is a platform for me to put these solutions to motion,” said Supriya.
Shedding light on her immediate change of profession, Supriya said for the citizens of India, participating in politics is a democratic right. “We should all be allowed to participate in politics,” she mentioned.
In the Congress’ list of candidates released on Thursday, Maharajganj constituency had been allotted to jailed politician Amarmani Tripathi’s daughter Tanushree, who was earlier fielded by the Pragatisheel Samajwadi Party-Lohia (PSP-L) from the same constituency. However, she was replaced by Supriya today.
When asked about this twist, Supriya said she was in talks with the Congress earlier, but did not take up the opportunity at the time.
“Since this opportunity has been presented to me, I am hoping to make the best of this,” she added.
Seven phase Lok Sabha polls are set to begin on April 11 and will go on till May 19. Counting of votes will take place on May 23.
In Uttar Pradesh, where 80 seats are at stake, polling will be held during all seven phases.