Suniel Shetty’s free acts

Mumbai, July 18: Suniel Shetty is amazed at the lavish praises that have started to pour in from critics after his last film got a unanimous thumbs up. Suniel says that from now on he has decided that he will be taking up more socially relevant films even if it means that he has to do them for free.

“In my new movie, I play the role of a cook who accidentally finds himself in the Naxalite movement. I must tell you now that my role is based on the true story of the guy.

Though I never met him, I and my director (Ananth Mahadevan) have tried to source as many newspaper articles on the guy as possible. Because of this intensive homework, I had an exact idea of how my character would behave and what he would do in certain situations.

It was a complete process of identification for me. Maybe that is the reason why I could portray the character so well,” says Suniel.

The actor says that this act and the praises that have flowed in have made him decide that he will put more emphasis on socially relevant films from now on.

In fact he reveals that he has already signed one such project. “I have just signed a film called Rave.

As the name suggests, it is about the drug cartels in Mumbai, Goa that are deep seated in our society and perhaps seek their origin in countries like Afghanistan.

It’s a film about how drugs have become a menace among the youth in our society and how young boys and girls are introduced to it (drugs) through raves and underground parties.

I have decided that from now on, my priority will be socially relevant films,” adds the actor.

Suniel says that now he will not care about the fact whether a film-maker will be able to pay his fees or not.

“There are some great socially relevant films that are being made on really tight budgets.

These film makers are doing great work but perhaps don’t have the money to sign big stars or go to exotic locations. But that doesn’t mean that I will be missing out on these projects.
I have decided that I will do these films without any remuneration,” he ends.
