Hyderabad: Govt. of Telangana had constituted Sudheer Commission of Enquiry to look into the educational and economic backwardness of the Muslim. It is getting ready to submit its report which is likely to be handed over to the Govt. in the first week of August.
Mr. G. Sudheer and other members have almost finalized the recommendation of the commission. The commission has accelerated its works seeing the increasing awareness of the Muslims and the pressure exerted on the Govt.
Authentic sources revealed that commission has included the issue of reservations for Muslims in its recommendations but the percentage of reservation has been left to the discretion of the Govt. The commission is of the opinion that by providing reservation to Muslims, their lifestyle could be enhanced. There is a need to launch regular campaigns for creating awareness among the Muslims for getting education.
Commission has also included various incentives and facilities in its recommendations. It may be mentioned that Mr. KCR had recently announced that soon after receiving the report of Sudheer Commission of Enquiry, a special session of Telangana Assembly would be convened and a resolution would be passed which would be sent to Central Govt. recommending reservations for Muslims.
It is the job of the Govt. to consult legal experts in order to decide about the action to be taken. The commission had conducted a sample survey through Center for Good Governance to find out the status of Muslims in economic and educational fields. The results of the survey expose surprising revelation. The commission itself is wonderstruck on the backwardness of Muslims. In the said survey the educational qualifications and the status of the household were reviewed. It came to be known that only 2.5% of Muslims are getting higher education. Minorities educational institutions are also responsible for the educational backwardness of the Muslims. In many Muslim educational institutions, the percentage of Muslim students is less than 50 whereas it should have been more. In Govt. jobs the representation of the Muslims was found to be only 6.5% which includes lower categories of employees. There is hardly any Muslim officer occupying higher posts like Addl. Secretary, Dy. Secretary, Joint Secretary or Asst. Secretary.
Commission is of the opinion that the backwardness of the Muslims cannot be eradicated only by providing reservations. They should be given equal share in Govt. schemes. Bank loans should be provided to them which are inadequate. Commission also fixed the responsibility on other Financial Institutions to formulate loans and other schemes. Commission received the report that many boys have a tendency to abandon education. So long as Muslim youths are not educated, the backwardness of the Muslims cannot be eradicated. The survey also revealed that most of the Muslims are unaware of the welfare scheme of the Govt. It is the responsibility of the Govt. institutions to give a wide publicity to these schemes.
–Siasat News