In a significant development, Telugu Desam MP from Warangal Gundu Sudha Rani today met Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao in Delhi and reportedly expressed her willingness to join the TRS. The meeting gives strength to the speculation that the TDP Rajya Sabha member is likely to get into the ruling party in Telangana State on October 29.
Talking to the media later, Sudha Rani showered praises on KCR government for taking up various developmental works. Sudha Rani said the Water Grid and Mission Kakatiya are the best schemes. “I am indeed attracted to such welfare schemes”, she added.
Sudha Rani said she met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi two days ago and also called on KCR there being a woman leader from Telangana State. However, she evaded a direct reply whether she would join the TRS in the presence of KCR in a couple of days or not. “Let us see whether or not I join the TRS”, she quipped. Thus, it is clear that she will be jumping into the TRS bandwagon on October 29 when KCR returns home. (NSS)